Friday, February 6, 2009

Landon turned 3 months old yesterday!

My baby is growing up so fast! I can't believe it has already been 3 months. Poor baby has been fighting allergies for the last month, he inherited that from me. Landon will most likely be my last baby, so I really don't want him to get any older. I have kind of been babying him because of it. With Natalie, I was always rushing for the next stage, not with this one! I have to charge my battery on my camera, and then I will add a picture from yesterday! We have been having formula issues with Landon, first we did the Infamil lipil, and he got constipated, so we switched to parent choice gentle formula, and he got diareah. So, now I switched back to the enfamil thinking that maybe since he is older he could digest it better, but now he has gas sooo bad. Poor thing has bowel issues. I have know idea what to do next, so I give him mylicon with about every bottle. That seems to help some. Also I have problems with Natalie eating as well. This has been an on going thing since she was born. She doesn't eat very well. she is 21 months and weighs only 22lbs. She should be at least 25lbs, but more like 30lbs. The dr suggested we give her pediasure to help her gain weight. Problem is, she wont eat real food if she drinks pediasure because it fills her up. So, I am sure Landon will out weigh her in a matter of months!

1 comment:

  1. He is such a cutie pie...can't wait to see him and see how much he's grown :)
